Blog is the New Black
Hey, MooFriends.
Remember when blogs were the cool new thing? When everyone had a blog, and they were like 'You should check out my blog!' and they totally all looked really, really rough and were covered in terrible banner ads and had addresses like
Well. We've got a blog. You know this. You're currently 'on' said blog. You're reading it. Right now.
Man. This is getting really meta.
Anyway, we're trying to bring this blog thing back; make it cool again (was it ever cool, really?). We'll do it without the random terrible ads; we'll call it a web journal, because that sounds classier; we'll write about all things vegan—food, awesome animals we love, and, of course, shoes. We'll profile vegan lines of shoes and other products and talk to vegan business owners of all sorts—movers and shakers in the ever-growing world of compassionate living that seems to be entering a golden age of sorts. Like our store, it'll exist less to sell things and more to make it easy and fun to cruelty-free and animal-friendly.
Sometimes these blog posts/journal entries will be by me—Hi. I'm Troy, creative director at MooShoes, store-runner of the Los Angeles location, and founder and creative director at raven + crow studio, longtime creative agency and designers for MooShoes; sometimes they'll be written by Katie, my partner in all of the aforementioned roles (and in life, not to get mushy or anything); sometimes they'll be written by Neysha, MooShoes' brand manager, or Erica or Sara Kubersky (who started MooShoes way back in 2001), or someone else in New York or Los Angeles.
Regardless of who's writing, we'll do our best to keep things relevant and interesting. Stay tuned for much more substantive pieces in the very near future and thanks for reading this far, you're the best.